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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of protecting my pavers?
Properly sealed pavers will minimize maintenance, prevent stains from oil, food and drink spillages, BBQ grease, dirt, falling leaves and pet stains (if pavers are sealed, stains will remain on the sealant and not penetrate into the paver pores), slow the growth of moss or mildew in damp area, reduce the rate of color fade, inhibit weed infestation and keep your pavers looking new for a longer period of time.
Do I need to clean my pavers before they are sealed?
Because the protectors need to penetrate concrete pores the surface must be properly cleaned with specialized cleaners to remove ground in dirt and stains. Good penetration means better looking pavers and an extended life.
How long can I expect it to last?
Typically the sealer will last for a period of 3 to 5 years depending on the traffic and use, i.e., driveways will not last as long.